Society for Rehabilitation of the Visually Challenged (SRVC) Kerala emerged as champions in the finals of the All India Invitational Blind Football Tournament at the Aluva Blind School Grounds, Kochi held on 1st May ’16. The Kerala team beat the young team from NIVH Dehradun in a sudden death penalty shootout with Renjith E R scoring the vital penalty kick against the sighted goalkeeper Gambhir from the opposition team. This is SRVC Kerala’s first title as National champions after ending twice runners up at the Nationals held earlier.
Sokvinder of NIVH Dehardun was adjudged the Best Player of the Tournament as the event with his consistent overall performance through the tournament. Abhimanyu Naskar won the Golden Boot for his five field goals for CAB Kolkatta in the earlier games. The Event brought in around 80 participants and instructors from around the country including teams from Delhi, Uttarkashi, Dehradun, Kolkatta, Mumbai, North East, Bangalore and Kerala. The event was held between 26th April to 1st May and an orientation camp was also conducted by international trainer Mr Loo W K from Malaysia, to better explain all rules, tactics and help improve the game as we aim to build a stronger national side.
In the semi-finals – SRVC Kerala beat Cricket Association for the Blind Kolkatta in the first match in a penalty shootout with Indian International C S Falhan winning the match with his successful spot kick. Aneesh M K was outstanding throughout the game while Abhimanyu Naskar, Tournament top scorer playing an all round power packed game. The second semi-final featured NIVH Dehradun playing Prawlajit Foundation New Delhi with the young side from Dehardun prevailing in a dramatic penalty shoot out over an experienced Delhi side.
The tournament brought to the fore some exciting talents from all across the country including some young players. The tournament was inaugurated by brand ambassador Ms Shriya Saran ( Bollywoord actress) on 26th April who attended a press conference held and launched the event open.
KBFF plans to start the first Blind Football Academy in the country in the future with vocational training that can offer employment as well as blind football training on an ongoing basis to help develop the national side further.
India ranked 25th in the World, source : IBSA Blind Football Rankings as of Jan'16